Robotics videos

The story of iCub

A little humanoid robot learning from humans

iCub learns to adapt its grasp though tactile sensing

Reacting to external perturbations

iCub learns though tactile teaching

Learning from touch

RoboWillis will save the world, again

Teach your robots well, they said, and one day...

Robota plays ping-pong

Interactive show-off in an exhibition at Lugano, Switzerland

The Bots' Funk

Featuring Chief Cook (aka Hoap-3) and Keepon

Salvador DaBot, the portraitist robot

Performance @ Google, Mountain View, USA

Pong: the robot edition

Will you defeat the robot on its favorite game?

Chief Cook Robot

Recipe of the day: the ham and cheese omelet
Check out the long version here

Where the heck is the robot?

Dancing around west Switzerland

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